Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Slinger 2: Sling Harder

A converted Skaven Verminkin for Mordheim with sling and sword

Here is Verminkin number three.  He's basically the same as the last one, but with a bigger stabber.

A converted Skaven Verminkin for Mordheim with sling and sword

A converted Skaven Verminkin for Mordheim with sling and sword

You can't really tell, but this guy's actually got slightly lighter colored fur from the other Verminkin. I also like the way his leather helmet turned out.

A WIP shot of a converted Skaven Verminkin for Mordheim with sling and sword

A WIP shot of a converted Skaven Verminkin for Mordheim with sling and sword

The sling used the same method as the other one, which, again, was a huge pain, so this guy might be my last slinger for a while.  His sword is made from the end of one of the left over spear tips I had after making the slings.

Definitely have to figure out an easier way to make slings...