Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Mordheim Souvenirs

My second Night Runner is all ready to go, which means that I finally have all six Skaven heroes finished.

Like my other Night Runner, this guy got stuck carrying the baggage for the rest of the group.  He's in charge of carrying the loot that the warband acquires, though he seems to be more concerned with grisly souvenirs and trophies than items of any actual value.  I decided to arm him with a pair of hook swords, which seemed to go well with his vicious appearance.

Definitely got a thing for bones.

This model is converted from a standard Clanrat.  I straightened out his posture a bit to make him stand out from the Verminkin, which I'm also converting from Clanrats.  Combined with his oversized pack, he ended up looking like a hulking figure next to some of the other models, despite actually being the exact same size.

I guess he does have pretty beefy arms for a Skaven.  I got them from one of the Beastman sprues.

The hook swords were fairly complicated constructions.  The main part of the blade came from one of the Clanrat spears, but the rest of it had to be built from plasticard.  The crescent blades on the hand guards were particularly difficult.  I ended up making them using a standard hole punch, then filing them to give them an edge.  I had to punch a million little partial holes in that sheet of plasticard before I was actually able to get two of the right size that matched.

Got a nice assortment of skulls and bones from a variety of different models.  I especially like the ork jaw that he strapped to the top of his pack.

I used the same Milliput and green stuff blend that I used on the other Night Runner to make his cloak.  I think it might have turned out even better on this one, not that much of it is visible with his huge pack.  Since there were already plenty of skulls on this model, I decided to decorate his base with a bit of fence from the Banshees sprue.

My two Runners turned out a bit different than I had originally imagined, but I'm pretty happy with them.  I'll probably just use them as Gutter Runners in a normal game, though they might stand out a bit from the rest of the unit.

Now that my heroes are all finished, it's nothing but Verminkin from here on out.  And since a Skaven warband doesn't max out until it hits twenty members, this is going to take me a while...

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