Sunday, December 6, 2020

Fort Construction: Spare Parts


WIP Spare Parts and Gubbins for a Gorkamorka Fort

Now that my mob has a way to gas up their trakks, the next thing they needed were some spare parts for making repairs and building gubbinz. I picked another section of the wall that needed some sprucing up and added a storage area.

WIP Spare Parts and Gubbins for a Gorkamorka Fort

Most of the bits for this section came from the various scrap piles that you get in Ork terrain kits. In fact, if you look closely (or not really that closely), you'll notice that I made quite liberal use of the scrap piles and Orky barricades as I was adding detail to the various wall sections.

WIP Spare Parts and Gubbins for a Gorkamorka Fort

Although the scrap piles have a lot of really nice detail, they're basically just big hollow domes with detail pressed into their surface, which makes it pretty challenging to dismantle them into individual parts. I was essentially left with half of a bunch of parts, which I just rearranged into a different sort of junk pile. It worked pretty well considering what I had to work with. And I got lots of use out of my Dremel. 

WIP Spare Parts and Gubbins for a Gorkamorka Fort

The Ork terrain has quite a bit of Imperial iconography scattered around it, which makes sense in most Ork settings, but much less so on Gorkamorka.  While most of the scrap on the planet originally came from Imperial ships and vehicles (and who knows how many alien vessels might have been part of the 'Ulk), these bits have been recycled over and over again for hundreds of years. With the exception of the Muties, it seems unlikely that anyone would have a centuries-old heirloom toolbox with a perfectly preserved Aquila, so most of those details got filed off.

A few of the bigger details like tires are just blue tacked onto the piece for now, since it seems like they'll be easier to paint separately. I think most of the empty floor space will probably end up with stuff on it eventually.

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