One final entry for Squig Week, a nice toothy squighound based on the squig from Grukk Facerippa.
I painted this guy in the same way as my other squigs. Washing the model with Agrax Earthshade made him look really brown and splotchy, but a nice coat of Bloodletter did wonders, making the red stronger and mellowing out the extreme shadows that he got on his skin. It did tone down some of the highlights as well, so I went back over a few places again to brighten them back up.
The conversion was pretty simple, just adding some goggles to the model to match the rest of my mob. I used glass beads for the lenses instead of molding them from greenstuff, which I think turned out pretty good. There was also a pretty big ridge where the face attached to the body, which I was mostly able to hide with greenstuff.
Since I think our current house rules only allow slavers to take squighounds, I officially have more squigs than I can take in my mob, which means it's probably time to move on to getting my trakk put back together in time for the next game. So I guess Slash can have his choice of squig next time he's able to buy one, or we're going to have a few more squigs for the next time we try running the Squigpede scenario.
So here's my current stock of finished squigs. As I mentioned before, I have a couple more sitting around in various stages of completion so hopefully I'll slowly work through my backlog.
Now on to some gubbinz...