Monday, September 18, 2017

Space Goblins

Things have been a little crazy lately, so I'm a bit behind on my work for the new campaign.  I did, however, finally get a chance to start converting some grots so I can justify taking my dapper runtherd.

A converted Gorkamorka Grot with Goggles, Cogshead Club, and Slugga

Rear view of a converted Gorkamorka Grot with Goggles, Cogshead Club, and Slugga

This is Zhak, the first of my converted Gretchin.  Since my Morker Mob is mostly a bunch of crazy Spanner Boyz, I decided I'd keep the mechanic theme going through my grots as well.  I decided to give this guy a nice Cogwheel Club, using some robotics parts I got from China.  I also decided that furry loincloths looked a bit out of place in my mob (furry outfits seems to be more of a Digga fashion statement, unbecoming of a sophisticated ork mob), so I converted it into a simple cloth affair.

A Converted Grot for Gorkamorka with Goggles, Choppa, and Slugga

Rear view of a Converted Grot for Gorkamorka with Goggles, Choppa, and Slugga

Twik here got the same treatment with a greenstuff loincloth and a pair of goggles.  As you might have noticed, I went through several iterations with my goggle making.  I got much better as I went on, but a few of my early attempts, like these, actually turned out rather nice, so I ended up using them after all.  I actually chopped this guy's hand off accidentally (one of the hazards of trying to convert a bunch of grots at once) and had to pin it back on.  Fortunately, you can't really tell, which I guess is as much as you could hope for with pinning.

A Converted Grot for Gorkamorka with Slugga and Poxwalker Club

A Converted Grot for Gorkamorka with Slugga and Poxwalker Club

Finally, we have Krik, who is the example to the rest of the mob as to why you always wear your goggles.  His left hand is from the new Poxwalker set, which happens to be mostly armed with nasty looking pieces of scrap, which work perfectly for Gorkamorka, though only a few have normal five-fingered hands like this one.

Anyway, that's all for now, but more grots are coming soon.

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