Monday, February 12, 2018

Mini-Campaign: Nob uv da Kop

Da Kop, a large mesa covered in scrap.

The next round of the campaign was the Nob uv da Kop scenario.  It consists of a tall mesa loaded with scrap, but only accessible to troops on foot.  There were also various hazards in the surrounding desert, such as cacti and a couple of deadly unexploded bombs.

Grizwoad's two trakks, filled with grots.

Between games, I had picked up Slash, my dapper runtherd and as many runts as my two vehicles could hold.  Despite my big score in the previous game, I didn't have the teef to give them all weapons, so they were mostly there to grab scrap while Da Boyz tried to keep the other three mobs busy.

Also, since Spike had been taken out during the chase, Grubmitz, my spanner, had officially taken over the driver's spot on my big trakk.  This wasn't a great setup, since Spike's a terrible fighter, but he also couldn't take back his post in a challenge...because Spike's a terrible fighter.  As such, he was relegated to the back of the bus with the grots for this round.

Marvolork's Big Trakk and Bikers move toward the Kop

While I drove toward the Kop with my cars loaded with grots, the other mobs had filled out their mobs with options that had a bit more firepower.  Marvolork and Chad each had a pack of bikers flanking their main vehicles, while Urzig, in typical Urzig fashion, had loaded up with boyz.  Although I had superior numbers, I didn't think I had a chance at taking out one of the other mobs head on, let alone surviving against all three.  As such, my plan was to rush to the Kop, grab as much scrap as I could, and hopefully get out alive.

Grizwoad's two vehicles head toward Marvolork and his bikers

Since Marvolork's mob was the closest and the most maneuverable, I threw everything at him, detonating a bomb in an attempt to blow up one of his bikers.  Fortunately for me, he decided not to bother with me and turned to go behind the Kop where I couldn't shoot him anymore.

Chad's Bikers move down to harass Urzig's boyz

On the other side of the Kop, Chad's bikers had rushed down to harass Urzig's boyz while the rest of his mob rushed to the Kop, where Marvolork was already at the top.

Chad's boyz try to scale the Kop while Marvolork's big trakk shoots them from below.

With Marvolork already on the mesa and his big trakk shooting at them from below, Chad's boys had a fairly difficult time scaling the cliffs.  Hoping to take some of the pressure off of his climbers, Chad brought his trukk in to challenge Marvolork's trakk.  A challenge that Marvolork accepted... proper Orky fashion.

Urzig boards one of Chad's bikes

Unfortunately for Chad, a head-on collision with Marvolork wasn't the only thing he had to worry about.  His bikers were quickly being overtaken by Urzig's mobsters.  Marvolork's bikers joined in the fray to keep the pressure on Urzig, but the heavily-armed Gorkers were barely slowed down.  Now both Chad and Marvolork's bikers were in trouble, with Urzig himself "boarding" one of Marvolork's bikes and beating its rider to death.

Grizwoad and his Morker Mob burst onto da Kop

As Urzig proceeded to pummel everyone who stood between him and the scrap-rich hill, Grizwoad and his mob burst onto the Kop in full force, taking Marvolork and his slaver, Shylokk by surprise.  Grizwoad and Slash charged their two counterparts, while everyone else in the mob grabbed the nearest piece of scrap and made a dash for the waiting getaway cars.  Within two turns, half the mesa had been picked clean.

Grizwoad goes down and the rest of his mob makes a run for it with the scrap

Unfortunately, with Chad and later Marvolork both bottling out, my cunning band of Morkers were suddenly targeted by all of Urzig's firepower.  Grizwoad took a round from Urzig's 'eavy shoota and went down, falling off the mesa and landing face-down in the sand.  Gabby's little trakk took a beating as well, and was shot to pieces before it had a chance to make it off the table.  This left only Deezo, my big trakk for the rest of the mob to pile into with their loot.  They sped off, leaving Grizwoad and Slash to fend for themselves and ceding victory of the scenario (and half the scrap) to Urzig.

Fortunately, no one died after this round and another decent haul of scrap meant that I had enough teef to arm my grots, mount a skorcha on Lil' Skorchy (finally), and mount my brand new big grabba on Deezo.

Grizwoad's vehicles face off against Marvolork over some scrap

The next round saw me facing off against Marvolork.  We ended up using the Kop again, as it's such a nice terrain piece, though all the large terrain left very little space for bulky vehicles to maneuver in.

Toast give one of Marvolork's bikers a face full of skorcha

Right out of the gate, Marvolork's bikers rushed forward to contest the scrap while he sent a few footers up the Kop to get the few pieces up there.  Toast and Gabby managed to give one of the bikers a face full of skorcha (which he somehow survived), while the rest of the mob drove toward the sand dune.

Marvolork's third biker managed to survive a hail of grot bullets and headed off to flank Gabby and Toast, leaving the two big trakks to battle it out on the dunes.

Marvolork's bikers run circles around Gabby's firecar

Marvolork's bikers continued to run circles around Lil' Skorchy, shrugging off Toast's attempts to incinerate them.  I decided it was time to deploy the grots and start getting the scrap loaded into the vehicles in case things went south.

Grizwoad rips the engine out of Marvolork's Big Trakk with his Big Grabba

Meanwhile, the two big trakks charged at each other across the dunes.  Just as it looked like Marvolork might try another head-on ram, Grizwoad reached out with his big grabba and deftly ripped the engine out of the Skwagmobile, leaving it immobilized.

Grizwoad's Big Trakk turns to fire at Marvolork's bikers, leaving the Skwagmobile in the dust

With the primary threat now neutralized, the gang turned their attention to the bikers, who were now in serious trouble.

As one of Marvolork's boys attacks Zhak, Grizwoad, Spike and Slash rush to his rescue

In a last-ditch effort to score some scrap, Pukk, the driver of the wrecked Squagmobile jumped out of his vehicle and charged Zhak, my grot, who was on scrap duty.  Not ones to leave even a lowly grot behind, Grizwoad, Spike, and Slash leapt from the trakk to defend the little grot.  And with that, the skirmish was over.  Marvolork's boyz managed to grab a few pieces of scrap from the top of da Kop, but the rest fell into Grizwoad's hands.

Next up, the final round of the event...the ever-popular Big Race!

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