Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Fort is Done!


A modular Ork fort for Gorkamorka

After over four years of work, the fort is finally done! The last few years have been crazy (maybe a few others out there can relate), so I haven't had a ton of time to spend on crafting stuff, but it's very satisfying to have actually seen this project though.

I was trying to come up with a color scheme that looked appropriately eclectic for an Ork fort built from salvaged scrap, but also cohesive enough to look like an actual building that could exist within an environment. So the exterior armor panels of the fort are pretty much split, with half being bare metal, and the other half being painted. 

The interior wall panels are mostly just metal, but this is balanced by all the little doodads like mushrooms, pipes, and tools, which are all pretty colorful.

The front gate of a Gorkamorka Fort

My mob's colors are the traditional Goff colors of black, white, and red, but since this fort is for all the mobs in the campaign, I added the other mobs' colors, which also included yellow, blue, and purple. I mostly focused on red and yellow, since that covers about every old-school Ork clan except Snakebites and Deathskulls, so it gives the whole thing a very orky feel.

I also really like the way my little insignia over the gate looks all painted up.

Rusty chains and machinery on a Gorkamorka Fort

The whole thing got pretty heavily weathered, which I think works really well with all the chains and machinery. I used quite a few methods of weathering on the fort, including stippling on rust and paint chips, enamel paints, oil washes, and even experimenting with Dirty Down rust. Most of which sort of worked.

The sewer pipe of a Gorkamorka Fort

I even managed to use some Dirty Down Moss on the sewer pipe to make it look appropriately gross.

A Chunk of the 'Ulk Built into the Wall of a Gorkamorka Fort

The chunk of the 'Ulk turned out really well. In retrospect, I don't know why I left the engine nozzles shiny and silver when I weathered everything else so heavily. I probably just skipped it once during the months of on-and-off painting and then assumed I'd skipped it intentionally. Maybe I'll go back and rust it up later.

Fuel Tank in a Gorkamorka Fort

The big fuel tank was one of the first ideas I had for the fort and the only specialized wall section that was part of the original version from 2019. It’s pretty cool to see it finally finished and painted up.

Fuel Pipes in a Gorkamorka Fort

The pipes look appropriately busy.

A Crate of Mushrooms for Gorkamorka

Speaking of busy, I probably went a bit overboard with the storage sections, but I like how all the mushrooms and other supplies turned out.

Electrical Panels in an Gorkamorka Fort

The electrical panels looked pretty good painted up. I’ll probably do something similar on other Ork buildings in the future. 

Workshop in a Gorkamorka Fort

The workbench also turned out really cool, but I attribute most of that to the Mek Workshop just being a generally cool piece of terrain.

Shanty town built into a Gorkamorka Fort

The sleeping quarters changed a lot from my original concept. I kind of wish that I’d stuck a hammock or two in there, but I’m glad I didn’t take the time and effort to model a decent hammock. Maybe in a future build.

Squigs in a Gorkamorka Fort

I also made little perches for my shoulder squigs.

Orks on the Ramparts of a Gorkamorka Fort

So at long last, the fort is finally ready for the next campaign. It'll be exciting to play with proper terrain this time. Assuming we actually need a fort. I guess we'll see. If nothing else, it makes for a pretty spiffy Ork dollhouse.

Orks Driving Trakks Around a Gorkamorka Fort

Also, I started a YouTube channel, so you can see the whole painting process if you're into that sort of thing.

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