Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Fort Construction: Da Chunk


A portion of the fort wall consisting of spaceship wreckage

One of the main reasons that I decided to build my fort with modular walls (apart from much easier storage and transport) was so that I could swap out standard, straight sections with alternative ones. This meant I could make diagonal or curved walls, two-story towers, or whatever else I thought might be cool and Orky. For the basic fort, I had originally planned to have two kinds of special sections, both suited for my gang's fort at the far end of the Skid—one corner piece that jutted up against a large chunk of the 'Ulk and some sections where the walls of the fort butted up against solid rock walls. I ended up not having time to do the rocky outcroppings in this batch, so I focused my attention on the chunk.

The chunk is made from a large Nerf gun and a couple smaller water pistols I picked up at a thrift store. Apparently I completely forgot that I own a Dremel while I was building this thing, because most of the work was disassembling all the broken toys. 

There were some advantages to doing it the slow way. Taking out the screws on the Nerf gun and other toys with more complex mechanism allowed me to get at some of the sub-assemblies without damaging them. On the other hand, cheap water pistols made from hard plastic welded together are a huge pain. I mostly tore them apart with wire cutters, and they tended to shatter into sharp plastic shards. It made for some appropriately damaged wreckage, but probably wasn't worth all the stabbing I got during disassembly.

A crashed spaceship built out of broken water pistols.

There is a small foam wall section stuck to the back of the chunk so that it connects with the rest of the walls and models on the walkways can still pass by. There's also a bit of internal structure built out of plastic bottles to make sure that all the broken toys stay stuck together. I filled this interior structure with expanding foam, so everything is pretty solid at this point.

A crashed spaceship built out of broken toy guns.

I filed a few grooves into some of the more pristine bits of Nerf gun to make it look appropriately worn and damaged. I also filled some of the small holes in the construction with some dangling green stuff cables. It looks pretty decent with just a basecoat, so hopefully it will look even more like a huge chunk of space debris once it gets a proper paint job.

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