Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Fort Construction: Inner Walls


Gorkamorka Fort Inner Walls

Making some good progress on detailing the inner walls of the fort.  Since this is where my gang's disproportionate number of Spanner Boyz hang out working on new gubbinz and making repairs to the mob's vehicles, it seemed like the fort would have to have some decent (if still somewhat ramshackle) electrical systems. Basically I imagine their fort to be a sprawling auto garage that has grown out of control.

Gorkamorka Fort Inner Wall

This section is just a bunch of pipes and conduits, with a convenient access hatch on the top. This piece also has the outside, so presumably all the waste from the generators and refineries (and, of course, the Orks) flows through these pipes before being unceremoniously dumped into the desert.

I used a pretty eclectic assortment of materials for this section, including a chunk of a model railroad car, a box of raisin bran, some drinking straws, and loads of plasticard. The rivets and bolts are mostly tiny hex nuts, though quite a few of them are actual nails I used to attach the bits to the underlying XPS foam structure. I also inadvertently melted a bit of the foam with super glue in a few places, which required some appropriately Orky repair jobs.

Gorkamorka Fort Electrical Systems

This piece was a bit more straightforward in its construction. It was mostly plasticard with some random bits from my bits box. Most of the rivets on this piece were tiny glass beads, which I'd previously used on my Big Trakk. These were a lot harder to work with than the bigger greeblies I used on the other section, so I kind of gave up on the beads after this.

Gorkamorka Fort Electrical Panels

I was especially pleased with how these big electrical panels turned out. Not bad for mostly scratchbuilding. 

Now I need to start working on some appropriate power tools to make this a proper chop shop.

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